Recensies Blaas, Adelaide Festival in Australie 2019
Australische blog Hi-Fi Way: The Pop Chronicles
‘You forget where you are, immersed in the experience and afterwards you may be unsure or doubt that you are back in the same place that you started from and you are asking yourself if indeed you are the same person that entered the building at the beginning.’
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INDAILY Adelaide’s Independent News
‘Blaas prods us to question our relationship with the world around us. It provokes wonder and gives us the opportunity to sit with feelings of discomfort and uncertainty.’ (…) ‘Blaas is a trip through space and time. Enter with an open mind, allow yourself to be coaxed out of your comfort zone and go with the flow.’
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Blog Stagewhispers
‘Everyone was clearly moved by something completely unexpected.’
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Dagkrant Adelaidenow
‘It is a wonderful, immersive experience, and suitable for young theatregoers who will see their own inquisitive and playful natures reflected in the creature’s behaviour.’