At the back of the great hall, across a bright white floor lie a few piles of white fabric. A relatively inconspicuous stage image. Until one of the white piles slowly comes to life. With the rustle of stiff, freshly laundered sheets, the air-filled pouch of fabric expands into a big white blob that moves through space and makes contact with the audience. Blaas is a journey that explores boundaries and space, passing through, inside and out, light and dark; playful and threatening, Blaas is a magical trip, an extraordinary ballet of almost abstract configurations.
Following festival hits such as Spiegel, Zweep and Wiek, in Blaas Schweigman& and Cocky Eek present a disorientating game with our surrounding space.
Boukje Schweigman: “I fell in love with Cocky’s work at first sight. Like me, she focuses on the way the human body relates to a space or an object. Her creations disorientate, stimulate the imagination, evoke a physical response and ask questions about how and where I am in this amazing world.”